2 min readNov 11, 2020


Honestly I think that anyone can change his self , because it depend on the person if he want to change his self or not it is a desicion that we took durring a periode of our life that we feel that we realy need to change our ,self our behaviors in the way that it should fit our age and the place that we are in .Personaly I think I could change myself but it take a bit of time , for example when i join Rbk I was messy a lot and i do not give respect to time , and i was not good at conversations with other , but day after day I took a decission that i have to change myself because i could not live with my oldself in this environement , honestly I was so hard at the begining but now I used to , but I feel that I still need to work on my personality and to change my acts to fit this environement , but I realy like it because I learn a lot of things , for example : I learned how to respect time and how to deal with peoples and how to be more sociable , and I’m realy glad of that because that will help me for the rest of my future , and I wish i will be more responsible and taking care about all my acts and what to say and what to not say , because this is very important in my own future , at the end I wanna say that evry single one of us can change his Self if he want to so just take a desicion ! .

